My Gemini

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Contemporary Romance>My Gemini>Chapter 3

Chapter 3

The Grid hospital

Its been two days since the accident, and Lisa has been on coma, just this afternoon Billy gets called and told Lisa is awake, in all excitement she rushes to the hospital just to find out that Lisa has temporary amnesia.

Feeling so sad she goes over to Lisa's room, after introducing herself, she told her a couple of things she needs to know, like gemini for one.and libby.

The room door bursts open and incomes Libby and Gemini and James working cautiously behind them libby runs down to her mother and jumps on top of the bed squealing mummy, but Gemini works in more cautiously peering at the face of her mother trying to see what's happened to her mother she walked up to her and then holds our finger and says " mummy what happened to you" lisa looks at the beautiful girl with silver hair ,long luscious silver hair, and silver brown eyes beautiful Snow White skin and she's wondering is this my daughter? I am so lucky." I am fine baby I'm just a little bit sick I will get better very soon, " this gets the attention of everyone including James has been standing quietly in the room , Lisa never calls Gemini baby she always calls her Gemma or my gem or gem and I mean everybody were able to understand that something was wrong , James looks at Billy Jean who gestures him to follow her outside leaving Libby and Gemini with Lisa" mummy you never call me baby ,you only always call me Gemini or gem , Mummy did you hit your head or something?" this gets a Smile from Lisa and she's thinking wow beautiful and intelligent wow I am such a lucky mother" yes my Gemini I did hit my head and I have forgotten some things about my life and your life and the life of everybody around us, but the doctor says I will soon start remembering so, do not worry darling you just need to remind me some things that we used to know before" Gemini nods and smiles and reveals the dimple that is hidden on the one side of her left cheek and her jaw meanwhile outside billy is busy explaining to James what the doctor told her, and they are both so sad imagining what Lisa is going through, from running away from her hometown, giving birth on her own ,trying to start a life and thinking of how to go look for Geminis father ,and then she loses her memory. Both of them are thinking the same thing that life is so unfair to Lisa and Gemini but they made up their minds there and then separately to make their lives beautiful no matter what.

back at moonCreek pack, park business kept the Alpha busy for 2 days he's trying to clear out all his work load, so he can easily travel to the north to look for his Luna and his daughter, so he's ready , packing up all the things he needs to make the journey he decides to allow his beta take care of the affairs of the pack while he travels to the North to look for his Luna and his daughter and possibly save his daughter from near-death experience, although he was mandated to take one of his council members a woman they call Samantha so they are both ready and just given the last word to the Wolf's present at the departure after a while they entered into the Alphas SUV and zoomed off to the quest of the luna and the gifts. Carlos was sent back to Oakland in order for him to monitor the activities of Abigail ,he was to make sure he travels , with Abigail to the north to kidnap the Alphas daughter so he can have first-hand information concerning the plans of Abigail. meanwhile in brooksville Lisa has been discharged from the hospital and allowed to go back home although the doctor stressed about the fact that she needs to sit back and then relax so her memories can come back but Lisa being somebody who does not like to just sit at home and Lazy about persuaded billy to still allow her work at the Crusty B in her own words being around familiar environment will help her remember most of her memories. things were going just fine at the restaurant by one cool evening when the doorbell signalling somebody coming in a rang and then he entered, every female inside that restaurant at that very moment stood still they, nobody could take their eyes off the extremely handsome stranger who just entered into the Crusty B, Billy was not left out, Lisa was out back tending to the heater when he came in, he sauntered to where Billy was standing with her mouth hanging open Tapped on the table and smiled " hi my name is Jeff I'm New Here I will need to get some dinner, and if you can recommend to me where I can go stay maybe like an air B&B do you know of one or do you wrong one?" Billy was still trying to find her voice when Lisa came from outback, " Billy it's all done so what will you have me do next I'm actually in the need of doing something right now I don't want to be idle a....." she stops mid-sentence when her eyes meets that of the stranger standing right on the other side of the counter, all the while thinking silver hair? silver green eyes I know this face I know this person where do I know him from curse you memory loss why would I forget somebody this godly, he stares at her too for a little bit longer and then hits on the table again" uh I said I needed some dinner and a place to stay you haven't said anything hi" he says looking directly at Lisa with those piercing silver green eyes. That evening at the corals air bnb, " I met her, " the Alpha is on the phone with the better telling him how his day has been explaining to him how he met his Luna and then recognition setting and I remembered everything about that steaming night long ago that gave him his daughter" but something was off about her there was an emptiness in her I said I don't think is there has been there I feel like it's something new I will have to ask a couple of questions about her and find out because if that is my luna wasn't she supposed to remember me we had sex she should remember the man she had sex with right?"

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